Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Family Bible Circle - Book of Romans study begins 2/21/13

You Are Invited!

On February 21 we will begin a Bible Study series on the book of Romans.  We meet from 9:30 to 10:30 on Thursday mornings in Pilgrim Lutheran Church’s basement. Coffee and Tea are provided.

Bring your Bible.  Bring your friends.

Family Bible Circle is an adult Bible study group. We encourage those with babies and small children to bring them along. You can keep your children with you or let them go to our play area in your view.  Family Bible Circle is part of Pilgrim's Thursday Mornings for Moms.

You do not need to be a mom to attend Family Bible Circle. We emphasize the MOMS part because so many moms of small children find it difficult to participate in traditional Bible Classes and church fellowship opportunities. Family Bible Circle is for everyone who understands that there will be distractions and interruptions because of the babies and toddlers.


  1. Today we were introduced to the Book of Romans. It is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the Christians in Rome. We learned why he wrote the letter and who the Roman Christians were. We learned some vocabulary--the words Luther said were the key to understanding Romans. Feb 28 we will study Romans chapter 1. Please join us!

  2. Oops, I forgot! Feb 28th there is no school so we won't be having FBC. We typically don't meet during the school year when there is no school. We will start chapter 1 on March 7th :-)
